Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kinley's first day of school!

Today was Kinley's first official day of preschool! She is attending Second Ponce Baptist Preschool also known as ECS (early childhood school). She goes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-12! Yesterday I took her to meet her teachers, Ms. Andrea and Ms. Shunika. She has super sweet teachers and a cute little classroom. There are only 9 kids in her class and only 2 boys in that number!

Yesterday she went right into the classroom and started playing with all of the toys. She really didn't want to leave. So this morning was the big morning. The plan was to drop her off in the carpool line and not walk her in the school. I was so nervous she was going to cry when a stranger took her out of the car. We talked about the morning all night last night and all the way to school. Unfortunately Keith was on a business trip, so we had to call him on the way to school and talk to him.

We pull up to the school and I am still prepping her for walking in by herself and telling her that I would see her in a little bit. She asked if she could play on the playground and I told her she probably would. She also was concerned about there being baby dolls in the classroom since I told her she needed to leave hers in the car.

As the line creeps forward I am getting more and more nervous. So the teacher comes to the door I open the door (since I now have the mini-van, it only takes one push of a button, he he) unbuckle her and the teacher picks her up. She grabs her bag and off she goes. Not one tear, not one look back. The other kids were crying and having to be carried in the school. Not Kinley she walked straight in by herself like she had always done this and to her classroom.

Of course I was teary-eyed and headed straight to Starbucks and met my friend Prissy for a hug! Then I enjoyed my couples hours child-free!

I picked her up this afternoon and her teacher said she had a great day. No tears at all! I asked Kinley who she played with today and she said "boys"! Great something else to look forward too!

Here are pics from the first day and lunch with her best friend Austy (Austin) who is at the same school, but a different class!

All ready with her bag and everything!
Showing off her bag!

Lunch and cupcakes with Austy a great way to end the first day of school!

Labor Day Race

As many of you know my husband Keith is a big time athlete. He is amazing! However, he is also the kind of guy that you can easily get annoyed with because he is good at anything he does and any sport he tries he is great. I really enjoy watching him in any sporting event. His biggest sport at the moment is running. So recently Kinley and I have watched a lot of races. So we get up early drop Daddy off at the start and usually try to find a spot close the end to see him finish!

This Labor Day Keith ran in the Cobb Classic 10k! He said it was the hardest 10k he had ever run. Of course he still finished before some people had even started! Kinley has become quite the little race spectator. She cheers on most of the runners and her favorite thing to do at this race was to point out the girls! She would say "mommy there is a girl", "look another girl". She got really excited when she saw some younger girls running. I am sure it won't be long before her first fun run!

Here are a few pics from the race!

Daddy running past!
Kinley taking Daddy his water bottle after he finished!
Walking back after the finish line.
Wearing Daddy's medal and eating his snacks, the best part of the race!

Proud Daddy, proud Daughter!

Sorry Grandpa Larry....

OK, so I have been slack on this blog! I admit it. I honestly have been feeling quite bad about not getting things up, but I don't always think what is happening in our lives is of all that much interest to both of you who read this blog! However, I got an email this morning....actually Kinley got an email from her Grandpa Larry! Grandpa Larry informed Kinley that I had been slack therefore she needed to get her mommy to update her blog! So after Kinley read said email (she is very advanced) she forwarded me the message. So here is a little bit of what has been going on the last month or so with us.

First, we had fabulous visitors, the Erim family, a few weeks ago. It is always an adventure when they are here. Mainly to see how Raif can either a) hurt himself in my kitchen and require ER care or b) fix the many things in my house that need to be fixed. This trip however he did not have to go to the ER and he fixed our ice maker and almost fixed my sink. The only reason he didn't was because my husband was too stubborn to let him.

So with the Erims in tow we loaded all the kids up and headed to the aquarium. It was a great day with very tired children. Other people from the neighborhood met us and joined in the fun. However, most of their children had actually slept the night before.

During the visit all three kids Greyson, Quinn and Kinley all slept in the same room! Both nights required at least 5 visits from Raif and Keith saying "No more talking, you have to go to sleep!" Both nights also resulted in the kids falling asleep no sooner than 10 o'clock! At least it was the weekend!

It was a super fun weekend and can't wait to see them again. Here are a couple pics, but as anyone knows that knows Raif he has the better pics on his camera!

Kinley looking at the sea creatures!
Greyson was happy as long as he didn't have to touch anything living.
Kinley trying to check out Raif's camera!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Ok so I don't usually vent on my blog I save that for my facebook friends, but today I just had to write about our library trip. So I took Kinley today to meet Kathy and Austin at the public library. Now I know you are supposed to be somewhat quiet in a library but aren't you also supposed to teach your child about the love of learning and reading?

So we went to the library around 10:30 am. When most people are in school or working. We went to the children's section so we wouldn't bother anybody other than kids. Kinley and Austin were so excited. They could hardly contain themselves with all of the books and animals. So when they were telling us what the dinosaur and lion on the posters were saying (roar, in case you didn't know) the mean, old, stick up her you know what librarian, came over and told the kids to be quiet. I was furious. Seriously, they weren't that loud. They were being two and for goodness sake we were in the KIDS section! UGH!!!!! Needless to say we won't be going back anytime soon. Well other than to return the books we checked out. I can just imagine what the librarian would say to us if our books were late!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Child of Technology!

Keith and I were talking the other day and I am sure it was much like a conversation that our parents had at one time when we were young as well. We were discussing how Kinley will never know a world in which everything wasn't at your fingertips whenever you wanted it. She will never know a phone that doesn't have an off button, nor will she ever know the days of paying for each minute you used the internet. She will always live in a world of technology that is at your fingertips at all times.

As a former teacher and mother one of the most difficult lessons to teach children is that of delayed gratification. This lesson is getting harder and harder to teach. I myself don't like the idea of not having my email whenever I want it and I have to have my phone with me at all times or I feel lost.

So lately Kinley has been asking for "Elmo on Demand". A.K.A. Sesame Street on demand. Sesame Street is the only tv show that Kinley watches. So if we miss it in the morning sometimes in the afternoon I will find it "on demand" for her to watch. Admittedly this is great for when I am doing laundry, blogging or cooking dinner. However, I have to believe that technology has reached the mind of the 2 year old when Kinley has a request like this morning.

I asked her to go upstairs so we could get dressed and she said "no Mommy, I want Austy on demand!" Austy (A.K.A. Austin) is Kinley's best friend and she wanted to see him then. Maybe in a few years technology will be there for her to have "Austy on demand!"

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lake Time with the Girls!

So this week Kinley and I have been spending time with our friends Prissy and Baby Hall. They were very sweet to invite us to spend some girl time at the lake with them at her beautiful house at Lake Martin in Alabama. Although Kinley isn't as fond of just sitting in the lake and vegging for hours as I am we are still having a great time. Here are a few pics. We are heading back to Atlanta tomorrow to meet up with Keith and then heading to Lake Hartwell with another group of friends for a weekend of more lake time. We will update more after the weekend!
Kinley playing on the porch!
Aunt P and Hall in the lake!
Mommy and Kinley in for a swim!
Kinley and Hall at dinner!
Hall loves the lake!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Story time with Daddy

As most of you who read this know, that Keith and I are not only the parents to Kinley, but we have a 24 year old child who has been living with us for the last year and 1/2. She will be moving out Labor Day weekend into her own place. However, I have to wonder how often she will visit for little things like food, laundry and story time! These are a couple pictures of both of the kids and Keith last night before bed.