Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kinley's first day of school!

Today was Kinley's first official day of preschool! She is attending Second Ponce Baptist Preschool also known as ECS (early childhood school). She goes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-12! Yesterday I took her to meet her teachers, Ms. Andrea and Ms. Shunika. She has super sweet teachers and a cute little classroom. There are only 9 kids in her class and only 2 boys in that number!

Yesterday she went right into the classroom and started playing with all of the toys. She really didn't want to leave. So this morning was the big morning. The plan was to drop her off in the carpool line and not walk her in the school. I was so nervous she was going to cry when a stranger took her out of the car. We talked about the morning all night last night and all the way to school. Unfortunately Keith was on a business trip, so we had to call him on the way to school and talk to him.

We pull up to the school and I am still prepping her for walking in by herself and telling her that I would see her in a little bit. She asked if she could play on the playground and I told her she probably would. She also was concerned about there being baby dolls in the classroom since I told her she needed to leave hers in the car.

As the line creeps forward I am getting more and more nervous. So the teacher comes to the door I open the door (since I now have the mini-van, it only takes one push of a button, he he) unbuckle her and the teacher picks her up. She grabs her bag and off she goes. Not one tear, not one look back. The other kids were crying and having to be carried in the school. Not Kinley she walked straight in by herself like she had always done this and to her classroom.

Of course I was teary-eyed and headed straight to Starbucks and met my friend Prissy for a hug! Then I enjoyed my couples hours child-free!

I picked her up this afternoon and her teacher said she had a great day. No tears at all! I asked Kinley who she played with today and she said "boys"! Great something else to look forward too!

Here are pics from the first day and lunch with her best friend Austy (Austin) who is at the same school, but a different class!

All ready with her bag and everything!
Showing off her bag!

Lunch and cupcakes with Austy a great way to end the first day of school!


  1. She's too cute! Just goes to prove the differences between us. On Brody's first day he wore a polo shirt, I think. Since then, it's been pretty much Bass Pro Shops and Camo :)

  2. Ok, love my little girl, and love you too sis, but it's time for a new update. :)
    After seeing Kinley almost every day for a week Brody and his folks are now having withdrawls and need a fix. Please. :)
